Warrensburg, Missouri Dialysis ProvidersFind and compare the 1 Medicare certified dialysis facilties in Warrensburg, Missouri

There are 1 dialysis providers in Warrensburg, Missouri, providing a total of 12 dialysis stations and an average QIP rating of 0 out of 100.

Of these providers, 1 offer Hemodialysis, 0 offer Peritoneal Dialysis, 0 offer Home Training, and 0 of them are open after 5pm. For profit dialysis providers account for 0 of the facilities, with the other 1 listed as Non-Profit. 0 facilities are part of a chain of dialysis providers.

Dialysis Clinics, Inc - Warrensburg


Provider Details

Phone: (660) 429-1110
609 C East Young St

Services Offered

  • Offers Hemodialysis
  • Non Profit Facility
  • Not Chain Owned